Tim has been treating patients for 30 years and understands you may feel apprehensive when attending your first appointment. Tim will carefully explain what the consultation involves and you will be free to ask any questions you may have.
All consultations and treatments are given in a purpose built log cabin providing a peaceful, therapeutic environment.
Taking a detailed medical history is an important part of your consultation and provides a basis for examination and help towards a diagnosis of your condition.
You will also be asked to sign a form consenting to appropriate and necessary examinations. These will of course be explained to you first.
A structural examination of the body enables an osteopath to investigate not only the site of pain and discomfort but to also ascertain its underlying cause. This can be located in an area away from the actual site of the symptom(s). Examination is primarily directed towards the musculoskeletal system (spine/skeleton/muscles) and how these structures are manifested in our overall posture. Mechanics of movement and breathing patterns are also consiqdered an integral part of the assessment, along with abdominal health which influences the way we breathe and move.
To facilitate these assessment procedures, it is helpful if outer garments are removed. While this is not compulsory, keeping clothes on will limit the scope and detail of the examination and affect the accuracy of the diagnosis. It will also affect the effectiveness of any subsequent treatment given.
Suitable undergarments include modest underwear, shorts, sports bras and leggings.
A respectable level of personal hygiene is also appreciated.
Based on examination findings combined with information from your case history, you will be given a diagnosis of your condition. You will also be offered a scheduled plan of treatment to resolve the problem - what is involved and how long it is likely to take.
Should a diagnosis be uncertain due to the complexity of the condition, you may be referred to your medical practitioner for specific investigations eg X rays, scans, blood tests.
Some treatment is usually included as part of the initial consultation, time permitting. You will also be asked to sign a form consenting to osteopathic treatment.
Follow up treatments begin with some dialogue regarding any changes experienced and a brief but more specific re examination. Due to more time available, follow up treatments are more thorough and can build a momentum towards a complete recovery.
The timing of treatments will depend on the nature of your condition.