EQUIPOISE POSTURAL FITNESS (EPF) is a postural training method scientifically designed by posture specialist Tim Goullet. The EPF method was created to develop PERFECT POSTURE by restoring ALIGNMENT, FLUIDITY AND STABILITY to the SPINE and POSTURAL MUSCLES. It is a synthesis of knowledge gained from his study and practice of OSTEOPATHY, MARTIAL ARTS and YOGA spanning some 35 years. The EPF method is unique in that it is PRACTISED ENTIRELY IN THE UPRIGHT POSITION with the legs aligned beneath the spine, apropos of their coupled evolutionary history. The main premise behind Equipoise Postural Fitness training is that standing upright with efficient ("good") posture is a SKILL which requires TECHNIQUE. Posture can't be changed long term with just one or two simple cues.
Voluntary movements while in vertical orientation are modulated and fine tuned by BALANCE MECHANISMS and POSTURAL REFLEXES. Their combined action helps to maintain equilibrium and keep our eyes level. This means adjustments made to alignment and posture while UPRIGHT are AUTOMATICALLY INTEGRATED within the NEUROMUSCULAR SYSTEMS of body. This sets EPF apart from other postural training methods. ONE TO ONE EPF training can be booked separately following an initial consultation and postural analysis.
(See "Contact Us")
The EPF method uses whole body movements to nurture POSTURAL EQUILIBRIUM.
Tim uses his expertise to tailor these movements to the nuances of each individual's posture.
EPF training provides the ultimate complement to osteopathic treatment by augmenting the process of realignment and restoring pain free upright posture.
Additional benefits include -
The EPF Method was created respecting the incredible evolutionary journey of humans which culminated in the distinctive upright posture and bipedal locomotion of Homo Sapiens.The posture of modern humans has been significantly impacted by an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. More time spent sitting in chairs and cars with a corresponding reduction in time spent standing and walking. Exercising with bad technique is another major cause of postural distortions, although this is largely overlooked as an aetiology.
EPF training has been scientifically designed to rebalance the front and back, left and right and top and bottom aspects of the body. Using a methodical three dimensional approach, EPF training aims to "retune" opposing MUSCULAR VECTORS and restore SYMMETRY and balance to the SPINAL ARCHITECTURE and LIMBS. This systematic approach reduces POSTURAL DEVIATIONS and increases LENGTH along the body's VERTICAL AXIS.
The EPF method consists of 5 progressive elements -
Hyperlordosis - "sway back"
Kyphosis posture - "hunchback"
Sunken chest
Rounded shoulders
Forward head posture
Frozen shoulder
Lower back pain
Intervertebral disc injuries
Neck/shoulder pain
Hypermobility syndromes
Alignment in children/teenagers
Hip and knee problems
Achilles tendon injury
Plantar Fasciitis
Diastasis Recti
Postnatal recovery
Pelvic floor weakness
Breathing mechanics and associated conditions eg Asthma
Chronic aches and pains
An efficient upright posture can bestow myriad benefits on our health and wellbeing -
The spines of early humans evolved contemporaneously with the ability to STAND AND WALK UPRIGHT ON TWO LEGS.
BIOMECHANICAL INTEGRATION of spinal motion (mainly twisting) WITH limb motion empowered efficient locomotion, facilitated by the energy efficient fascial system.
The evolutionary journey from "early" to "modern" humans involved the progressive modification of body parts from earlier ancestral forms. A gradual remodelling of the skull, jaw, rib cage, spinal geometry and limbs occured over millions of years to produce the DEFINITIVE MORPHOLOGY of an emergent new species - Homo Sapiens.
The survival of early humans depended upon their success as hunter gatherers and their ability to endure a nomadic lifestyle. Interestingly, BIPEDS are more efficient walkers than quadrupeds over long distances. Efficient POSTURE and LOCOMOTION were just as important in the evolution of modern humans as the development of big brains and language.
Improved shock absorption and balance to negotiate gravitational forces from a vertical position were also integral to this quantum evolutionary leap.
The precision grip enabled by our thumbs and the FORWARD ALIGNMENT OF OUR BIG TOES for efficient locomotion are uniquely human traits.
The relationship between posture and emotions cannot be overstated. Our body language can at times convey more than verbal language.
After all, before language was developed early humans had to rely on forms of nonverbal communication to manage
interpersonal dynamics within a tribal setting.
Humans tend to display their emotional state , happy or sad, in the way they hold themselves - our "POSTURE."
Conversely, the POSTURAL SHAPES we adopt can affect the WAY WE FEEL. For example, standing/walking with a rounded back with a tendency to look downward is unlikely to engender feelings of positivity and happiness!
Could it be that improving your posture could also improve your mental and emotional well being?
No matter how much exercise someone does, it is ultimately the WAY THAT WE STAND which displays our physical condition. Is your posture making the best of all that hard work in the gym? As in the above picture, succumbing to gravity creates a LOSS OF HEIGHT due to excessive bending of the natural spinal curves. This tends to create the LOOK of a sunken chest, rounded upper back and distended abdomen which miraculously DISAPPEAR when healthy upright posture is restored. In some people bad postural habits can be attributed to an element of laziness or simply a lack of awareness. In other cases it can be closely linked with occupation or the repetition of misguided exercise technique. However the often overlooked (and sometimes unrecognised) cause can be SPINAL STIFFNESS which has never been released using corrective hands on treatment such as osteopathy or by corrective exercises. Falls as children can lead to spinal stiffness in adulthood. INJURIES SUSTAINED as children and teenagers while WE ARE GROWING can affect subsequent structural development. When we finish growing upwards, the body CONSOLIDATES INTO THE ADULT FORM. Structural imbalances then become embedded with potential to affect the body throughout life. Equipoise Physical Therapy treats postural problems with Hands on Osteopathy AND Postural Fitness Training to get the BEST POSSIBLE RESULTS.
Alterations in the body's structure (ie. the musculoskeletal system) and changes in posture are integrated with the reflex systems which help to keep us upright. The eyes and the inner ear play a vital role in these mechanisms. The nervous system has to "catch up" and adapt to structural changes - this happens "bit by bit" rather than "all at once" as changes to posture are made GRADUALLY.
There are essentially two methods of postural intervention -
1. Bodywork
(A PASSIVE intervention done TO you)
Where hands on manual therapy helps to soften and reshape the body and harmonize muscular tensions.
2. Postural Exercise Therapy
(An ACTIVE intervention done BY you)Postural exercises performed with emphasis on good form with techniques to target problem areaAs a general rule, stiffer bodies require more bodywork and flexible bodies require more exercise therapy. Muscles can"t be made stronger by massage and stretching exercises can have a limited effect where deep structural stiffness exists.
However, these two interventions are by no means mutually exclusive. Most bodies require and benefit from a combination of bodywork AND exercise. Deciding the BESPOKE RATIO for each individual is the key to success. This is Tim Goullet's specific area of expertise.